Asthma and allergy problems generate lots of income for pharmaceutical companies, but their costly solutions offer short-term relief. What's a sufferer to do? Are there other safer, more economical ways to breathe free again?
Asthma and allergy problems are serious and deserve effective solutions. We have been bombarded with drug solutions for these problems and yet the incidence of both problems continues to rise. Despite tripling spending on Allergy medicine, cases of a typical allergy hay fever have nearly doubled in the past 10 years. By focusing on symptoms and not on working improving the body's own capacity, we get stuck in a vicious cycle. More drugs, more illlness.
If we step back and look at what we can change, we find simple nutritional changes can have profound results. A recent study of 60 years of medical literature found that vitamin D deficiency is linked to increased airway reactivity, lower lung functions, and worse asthma control. School children were found to have reduced allergy problems when using increased vitamin D dosages, possibly even reducing the chance of developing asthma by 40% with higher doses of vitamin D.
Other methods include reducing environmental pollution in the home and at work, reducing dairy intake and pet dander exposure. Breathing training like Buteyko breathing technique, mechanical aides like the sport breather can help restore breathing capacity. Bowenwork for diaphragmatic and ribcage release and upper respiratory clearing can be very helpful in increasing the airflow.
We can achieve better results save money and improve our health when we look to ourselves instead of the drug companies. It means that we have to be responsible and take care of ourselves. It means we will putting our health first rather than the health of the drug companies. As a result our children will be healthier, we will be more healthy we will save billions of dollars and improve the quality of our lives. Not so bad for a few simple, safe lifestyle changes.
Please comment on this, if you need to know more, email me.
If you are sufering from these problems, take back control of your health and try some of the solutions suggested.
Leave things as they are and they will contnue to get worse.
Stop this once and promise yourself " this time, it will be different".
And it will.
Fortune magazine 2010,
Childrens' AllergiesSource: Sharief S Jariwala S Kumar J Muntner P Melamed M (2011) Vitamin D levels and food and environmental allergies in the United States: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2006 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.01.017
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