This is an energy medicine technique developed out of a merging of acupuncture and psychotherapy. It has been effective as a therapy and self-care tool for more than 20 years. It allows us the opprtunity to disconnect from painful emotional triggers in our active and subconscious memories without having to actively process the memories or to try and forget them. The simplest analogy is cutting the wire between the explosives and the detonator.
We can have traumas in our lives that can serve as triggers for all types of emotional and physical responses long after we have experienced them. Even when we think we have let them go, we can be subconsciously reacting to a similar stimulus. EFT gives us the freedom to release these uhealthy reactions.
EFT works by using tapping on sequences of acupuncture meridian points with specific verbal cues. The activation of the points serves to interrupt the feedback loop that is causing the triggered reactions.
There are many EFT sites and Youtube videos that demonstrate the work if you are interested. I will simply leave a precis of the work below. I hope this is helpful. Please feel free to contact me.
EFT on a Page
"The cause of all negative
is a disruption in the body's energy
Memorize The Basic Recipe.
Aim it at anyemotional or physical problem by
it with an appropriate Setup
affirmation and Reminder Phrase
Be specific where possible and aim EFT
at the specific emotional events in one’s
life that may underlie the problem.
Where necessary, be persistent until
all aspects of the problem have vanished. Try it on everything!!
1. The Setup...Repeat 3 times this
"Even though I have this ________
I deeply and completely accept myself."
while continuously rubbing the Sore
Spot or tapping the Karate Chop point.
2. The Sequence...Tap about 7 times on
each of the following energy points while
repeating the Reminder Phrase at each
EB, SE, UE, UN, Ch, CB, UA, BN, Th, IF,
3.. The Sequence (again)...Tap about 7
times on each of the following energy points
while repeating the Reminder Phrase at
each point.
EB, SE, UE, UN, Ch, CB, UA, BN, Th, IF,
Note: In subsequent rounds The Setup
affirmation and the Reminder Phrase are
adjusted to reflect the fact that you
are addressing the remaining problem.
EB = Beginning of the EyeBrow
SE = Side of the Eye
UE = Under the Eye
UN = Under the Nose
Ch = Chin
CB = Beginning of the CollarBone
UA = Under the Arm
BN = Below the Nipple
Th = Thumb
IF = Index Finger
MF = Middle Finger
BF = Baby Finger
KC = Karate Chop - edge of hand